
Our work


Our work

Morgan Sindall Construction


Our work

Morgan Sindall Construction

Morgan Sindall Construction

  • UK-wide Construction Firm
  • 7000 Employees
  • 200k+ Subcontractors on sites around the UK

Problem that matters

Construction workers are in a demographic with high level of mental health issues including suicide, with over 70% of employers failing to recognise issues and provide support.

Innovative solution

Apply the Social Impact Game:

  1. Purpose: Clarity about problem to solve – how to reach construction workers so they access mental health support
  2. Plan: Focus on problem of what workers really need and how best to reach them
  3. People: inspire workers, staff and other partners to work on solving problem as part of their ‘bigger picture’
  4. Practice: gathering data from workers & staff, testing & measuring existing & new solutions, developing process for rolling out mental health services on sites & measuring impact
  5. Performance: measuring impact in improving lives of construction workers, developing process for rolling out across the firm’s UK sites

Making impact happen

  • Increase in workers going to Men Unite for support
  • Showcased impact to management
  • Worked with Safety, Health & Environment team to roll out process across all Morgan Sindall sites in UK, reaching up to 200k workers
  • Morgan Sindall developed system to measure & showcase Social Value across the organisation at value of £2bn

Morgan Sindall Website Reporting £2bn Social Value