Problem that matters
NewmanFrancis wanted to develop a Purpose-centric culture throughout the organisation.
Innovative solution
Apply the Social Impact Game for:
- Purpose: Creating the Company Purpose & Mission derived from the Purpose of each of the Founders
- Plan: Creating Company-wide engagement with the Purpose and Vision of the organisation
- People: Engaging with the entire staff to get clarity of personal Purpose and align each individual’s Purpose with the Organisational Purpose
- Practice: Implementing project plans consistent with Purpose at individual, project and organisation levels
- Performance: Analysing and tracking project results to discover new ways to optimise their project work and better use of their resources
Founders Alicia Francis and Mekor Newman
Making impact happen
- Grew their business by meeting and exceeding revenue targets three years in a row
- Created a purpose-centric culture where people played to their strengths and regularly went above-and-beyond on projects because of their personal commitment to the WHY of the projects they did
- The Founders had a strong working relationship, leading to faster decisions
- The organisation took on ‘scaling up’ their operations including achieving the rigorous ISO9001 certification