Learning Without Borders offers tailor-made post-programme support and consulting, especially for executive leadership development. We have specialised consulting for the development and support of corporate governance.
These services are available to participants of LWB programmes and other senior executives.
In addition to our Management in Action Programmes, we also offer other specialised services:
Teams in Action
Our three (3) months’ programme for your management teams to become equipped with the latest theory and trends in your industry sector, coupled with challenging and stimulating practical work that produces specific, measurable results at the individual, team and organisational level. Our programmes, accredited by the Institute of Leadership & Management, range from entry level mangers to degree and Masters of Business Administration (MBA) level.
Enterprise in Action
Developed in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya through needs assessment with microfinance clients, this course uses video interviews with grassroots entrepreneurs to make the learning materials come alive and be highly relevant. This seven (7) weeks’ course involves practical record keeping, marketing, and planning skills and has produced remarkable business improvements through its simple yet systematic approach. our graduates of our ‘train-the-trainer’ programme featured as a highlight of the Microcredit Summit for Africa and the Middle East. (Note: Not accredited by ILM)
Microfinance in Action
Our intensive course for individuals or corporate groups of professionals who want to ‘re-purpose’ their skills for transitioning into the fast-moving and innovative field of microfinance. Our ‘flagship’ course offered in London since 2008 links with fieldwork in emerging market countries.
Microinsurance in Action
Our specialist course for professionals interested in developing micro insurance products, either as a consultants or as a part of their microfinance organisation’s client offerings. The course led by Mosleh Ahmed, FCA, a world-renown micro insurance expert and one of the few people in the world qualified in micro insurance regulation. Tailored specialist courses in micro insurance are also available for specific organisational needs.